Monday, December 16, 2013

Evil Exposed, with Proof.

  Attemptingto murder her child, Incitement to Commit Murder, Admission of causing Murder/Suicide, Cheating, Lies & Manipulation, Giving advice on grooming an under-age girl/Incitement to corrupt a minor, illegal recording of a sex act with hidden cameras without the girls consent or knowledge, Emotional Manipulation & Abuse, Slander, Libel, Defamation of Character, Hacking, Benefit Fraud, Theft, Harassment, carrying a leathal weapon.

Clare giving advice on how to outsource murder plus bragging about murder, blackmail, manipulation, driving people to suicide. According to her rather good fun? 
Then she gives Adam BownAss advice on corrupting a minor.
Then she gives him advice on recording a girl during sex with hidden cameras without her consent or knowledge.

She is targeting are people who have stood up to her about her cheating and lying or people she suspects don't keep her evil secrets or take her side.

 Then after this she goes on to have a rant about another couple where she has heard that the guy was cheating, saying he must drug people to get women.  (Hypocrisy Much)

This is the sword she smuggled into Club Antichrist which she had as she harassed me. 

She is also chatting with a guy who has children giving him advice on how to cheat on his girlfriend. Also bragging about cheating on her last 3 partners (me included) with a married man and how exciting it is to deceive people, she has also been getting people to send her intimate private pictures of the people that are being cheated on and manipulated, this lies, deceit and cheating goes back well over a year before I walked out on her, and probably a lot longer. She has also been lying about custody of her own children, telling people she has no visitation rights when in fact she is allowed supervised visits and they are only 1 town away

She has not visited her kids in well over 2 years that I was with her and I have heard her last EX say the same, she mentions stuff online but when I was with her I never saw her visit them. The only time she ever mentions them is when she is looking for money for presents which I doubt they receive or pretending to be a decent parent. On the last Birthday of her son Rowan she forgot it completely and instead spent the day trying to destroy my own birthday event and manipulating her last fiance to hunt me down and kill me because I dared ask for the rest of my stuff back. I suppose its easier for me to remember his birthday as its the day before mine and I have been the one paying for all her children's presents for over 2 years, plus destroying me and having me killed is obviously more important than remembering her kids birthdays.

Her excuse to me when I asked her why she never visits her kids was that she hated the paternal grandparents to much and it was unfair that she has to be supervised. Considering she lost custody because a hospital nurse found her trying to smother one of her kids with a pillow they are perfectly justified in wanting to keep an eye on her. She also tried to convince me to kill her previous ex as he knew about what she did and threatened to expose her.

After over 2 years of caring and supporting Clare I discovered that she had been cheating on me with one of the regulars from my Wednesday Wickedness event and even got about half the regulars to lie to me and distract me while she snuck away and fucked people in the bathroom behind my back while claiming to me she was sitting down and resting due to her back issues. Then when I walk out she attempted to steal my event and claim it was hers. To my face she was telling me she loves me and I am the only guy for her, behind my back she is telling people she needed me for my money however thats not what made me sick to my stomach.

I found messages on her facebook with Adam Bownass about seeing Aaron behind my back, arranging people to distract me while she snuck off and fucked Aaron. As I went through the message and previous conversations they had I saw conversations where she is bragging about killing people, manipulating them into committing suicide, blackmail and manipulation, plus how fun it is driving people to kill themselves. I also found she was sharing intimate details of our love life, saying she had Aarons dick in her mouth within 15 minutes of him making a move on her, slagging me off, giving Adam Bownass advice on corrupting a 15 year old girl. I also discovered she has was slagging me off on facebook posts which she has hidden from me using the custom settings, she has apparently been doing this for over a year. I was physically sick with disgust at the evil I discovered. 

Also she has been bragging about having keylogger/spy software hidden on my PC which she uses to spy on me. What I saw made me physically sick, she was telling Aaron the exact same lines she used on me then telling people she needed me for my money and to pay her bills. The conversations with other people indicate she is more interested in him for the 3 bedroom house he claims to have (He actually lives in a 1 bedroom pigstye) and is constantly bumming money from Clare's benefits to pay for his bills and travel.

After I walked out on her she has attempted to steal/take over my event and has been slagging me off and lying about me to anyone who will listen. She has refused to give me back the all rest of my stuff in her place. Also I suspect she has stolen from me on a number of occasions (some of which I CAN prove) and her passive aggressive mood swings are symptomatic of emotional manipulation, coercion, mind games and emotional abuse, plus she repeatedly claimed she would die or kill herself if I left. She has pulled the same trick on Aaron after she dumped him for his best friend saying he would have to explain to her kids why mummy had killed himself

When I found out my mum had cancer she kicked off because I was quiet and not giving her enough attention, we split briefly and then she started cheating on me with Aaron just after I found out about my mums second tumour, apparently the best time to stab me in the back is when I need someone the most, even despite the fact I stuck with her through sheer loyalty even though caring for her and her need for attention prevented me from visiting my mum. I spent over 2 years caring and providing for her before I discovered that its all a lie. Her disability, the capability to love, her entire life is based on a lie.

In her messages she  was also claiming to have the ability to manipulate the police.  
She has also bragged about how she got off lightly last time she was in jail for drug dealing by playing the sympathy card and claiming she was a victim. Also a lot of her behavior leads me to believe that her back problems are at the very least severely exaggerated by her if not complete fiction. I suspected for a long time but I have seen stuff recently which confirms my suspicions. 

She has also been claiming that my event is her event, lying through her teeth to anyone who will listen and has done as much as possible to damage my reputation and destroy anyone who disagrees with her perverted manipulative actions. She has also been asking Aaron to kill me, saying she wants to have other people killed, start a hitlist against people who disagree with her, chatting to people about using subliminals to influence him, plus telling people that my birthday event was cancelled and she was going to end it, plus numerous other examples of harassment, including claiming I broke into her place through the bathroom window (I used a key to get my stuff back while she stole my camera and equipment and tried to steal my event.) Claiming I stole her camera stuff (it was my equipment which I had to get a club owner to demand back off her, and she didn't return it all) 

Aaron has also threatened to burn my stuff and theydid absolutely everything to stop me getting the rest of my stuff back. I even know that they have given away a £200 phone of mine which I asked for back to a mutual friend while claiming to be unable to find it. Plus a tablet PC and a number of other items have disappeared) Plus Aaron has in the past threatened to kill people and been sending abuse to anyone who disagrees with him. Plus I suspect these people are responsible for stealing more of my property from club decadence and reporting photos from my birthday event in order to get my Facebook banned. I have had to deal with this harassment and lies for long enough.

Also she is giving her accomplices advice on how to video people they are sleeping with using hidden cameras. That was the final straw for me, this is when I decided I needed to act. It has not been easy as the further I dig the more I find.

These people who are helping her are evil, they were pretending to be my friends, consoling me about my mums cancer while helping Clare cheat on me. Avoid them at all costs. I also have a list of names provided by Adam to Clare of people who he believes will help them with this web of lies and evil, plus evidence of a huge chunk of people who she has cheated with or helped to cheat on partners. however I am holding off publishing them for the moment to protect the guilty and possibly not quite as guilty. Plus writing it all would take forever.

I know that well over a dozen people were involved, most of them quite heavily, the main ringleaders are Clare Gomes Fidalgo, Adam BownAss and Aaron Marson
These are people you need to avoid at all cost, they will suck you into lies and stab you in the back when you are at your weakest then continue to harass you at every chance while attempting to claim they are being reasonable and you are being an ogre. 

What I have covered is only a chunk of the stuff I have found out so far and considering how much evil I have discovered in such a short space of time I can only assume that she has done much more than that to people over the years, especially considering she says she has had over 60 failed relationships. While I have been put through hell her previous husband and the 2 fathers of her children have probably been through much worse. I have been holding back because the last thing I want to do is get sucked into her web of lies and manipulation again however the phrase "In order for evil to triumph good men simply need to do nothing" keeps going through my head. There is a lot more I could say but I am holding back still, I have enough evidence to back up everything I say plus much much more, which I believe I will need as I fully expect the harassment and lies to continue and for Clare to try and destroy me for exposing her evil, which she will try if she fears being exposed. There is a lot more I am holding back, this is only a fraction of what I have discovered however going through it all requires opening wound that have just healed and I am trying to rebuild my life and move on. I have taken time out to go back to Ireland, help me mum recover from her cancer, spend time with my real friends and rebuild myself. I have been much happier since being home however when I return to London I want to do so free from the burden of biting my tongue in the face of evil and hypocrisy.

However I have made instructions with close friends that if I do ever end up with a knife in my back that the full proof of all her evil will get released to the public and the authorities. I will also update this blog if the harassment and evil behavior continues. *

I want to move on with my life but while these evil people are on the scene a lot of people are not safe. I ask those of you with a heart and morals, take a stand against lies, manipulation and evil. Please spread the word, stay safe.

"The first line of defense against evil is the truth." - Mike Dee.

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